Monday, December 21, 2015

18. Sing karaoke and do it semi-well

I never intended to cross this dream off my list so soon - actually, Rich and I were talking about me doing karaoke for the first time at Cat's Meow in New Orleans next year. But things happen, and here we are. I actually had a really good time doing it, and it was super low-key and non-threatening, so it was probably good for me to lose my karaoke virginity that way. 

Jenn's boss had a little Christmas get-together at this Korean karaoke bar in St. Louis on Saturday, and she invited Rich and me to go since we were already going to be in town Christmas shopping. When we got to the place I was so confused. It was dive-y, and no one was singing - no music was even playing! But there was an open bar, and I hadn't seen Jenn and Corey in a while, so I was like, "What the hell," and Rich and I decided to stay. 

Eventually, people started singing, but I was too nervous to be anywhere near a mic. I hate the sound of my own voice more than just about anything in the whole world, so I was not trying to hear it booming out of the speakers in this little room. But as I had a few more drinks, I got braver and braver, and eventually I was singing all over the place. I imagine it like a movie scene - me being shy and refusing to sing into a mic then cut to an hour and a half later and I'm pretending I'm Joan Jett. 

Rich knew exactly which songs to play to make me sing, so he picked out three or four of them in the hopes that I just couldn't resist. And he was right. I even sang "my" song, the song I always said I'd sing at karaoke if I ever did it. It's "One Way or Another" by Blondie, and it's the most stalker-y song I have ever heard. So of course I love it. 

Anyway, we ended up having a really good time, I think mostly because the place and the people there were so low-key. As for the "do it semi-well" part of my dream... did I accomplish that? Well, I'd like to think I did. No one laughed (that I saw). No one threw tomatoes (and there were cherry tomatoes there to be thrown!). And when I heard my own dreaded voice, it wasn't, like, awful or anything. So I chalk that up as at least "semi-well". 
Karaoke isn't something I'd want to do every weekend or anything, but now that I've gotten my first time out of the way it's definitely not as daunting as it was before. Look at me - I'm becoming so well-rounded!